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Board of Selectmen Minutes 09/19/2007
Selectmen’s Minutes
September 19, 2007

Opened: 7:10 P.M.

Present:  Earl Johnson, Christian Petersen

Motion  091907-1: Motion made by Christian Petersen, seconded by Earl Johnson to accept the minutes of the September 13th meeting as read with the exception of Motion #2, all in favor, correction follows:

Motion 091307-2:  Motion made by Christian Petersen, seconded by Earl Johnson to accept the appointments of Andrew Samuelson for assistance at the Holland Elementary School under Senior Employment Program, not to exceed 30 hours per week.

Motion 091907-2:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by Christian Petersen, all in favor, to approve the hanging of a Domestic Violence banner in front of the Town Hall.

Motion 091907-3:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by Christian Petersen to authorize use of interest generated by the Butterworth Trust for fuel assistance.  For more information, call Deb Tierney, Outreach Office, 245-7108, extension 21.

Motion 091907-4:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by Christian Peterson, all in favor, to approve a Staples charge card for the Police Department.

Hamilton Reservoir to be drawn down October 9, 2007.

Special town meeting scheduled for September 24, at 7:00 PM in the Holland Elementary School.  Important budget issues to be decided.

Warrants were signed and delivered to the Treasurer.

Motion 091907-5:  Motion made by Earl Johnson, seconded by Christian Petersen to adjourn the meeting at 7:37 P.M., all in favor.

Elaine Lengowski
Executive Secretary